Aur Lake
Tanggal Pos: 2020-12-01Kategori: City/ Regency
Kabupaten/Kota: Musi Rawas

Aur Lake which located in Sumber Harta district has beautiful nature scenery. This lake is a pride tourism object of Musi Rawas regency. To get there, it takes about 40 minutes from the capital of Musi Rawas and Lubuklinggau. The strategic locations makes visitors want to come back again to visit this place.
The cool area and its beautiful garden so you can see the hills around the lake, are stunning. The visitors can surround the lake with rent boat. The visitors can also enjoy food and drinks on floating restaurant in the lake area. This restaurant serves typical food of Musi Rawas like tempoyak and others. Visitors also enable to fishing in this beautiful lake, with the boat.
Aur lake environment is clean and comfortable. This lake also has a hydroelectric dam that created since the Dutch era. The function is to stem the lake water in order to piped water to all local rice fields.